
Jen's Background

With over two decades of experience navigating the healthcare economic landscape that drives purchase and policy decisions, I understand and appreciate the challenges providers and payors are working to solve. 

Today I consult with and provide advisory services to help businesses best position their solutions to meet those needs, to navigate the complex maze of health plan negotiation and contracting, and help companies hire, train, and enable improvements in their commercial execution.

I also deliver targeted sales training programs for established organizations seeking to improve reach and conversion with health plans and at-risk provider organizations. Each program is custom-built and tailored to your solution, needs, and goals for your commercial team.

My clients include early stage and more established health tech companies, from AI medical applications, virtual care models, to sleep health to retina and related eye imaging, mobile health screening, and more.

Prior to launching MHA in 2020 I spent 7 years helping build & commercialize a new-to-the-world health tech solution that combined medical device, telemedicine, and diagnosis for diabetic retinopathy and other diseases of the retina. 

During my tenure I partnered with payors to establish a new reimbursement pathway for primary care physicians. My work with the plans successfully: 

  1. Secured coverage (payment) for a new provider type, 
  2. Aligned the model with NCQA standards to ensure closure of the relevant STAR HEDIS measure,
  3. Influenced CPT coding (value) decisions to ensure adequate reimbursement, and
  4. Guided plans and providers on CPT II coding  and ICD to HCC value. 

During this time I designed, built, trained and led a national sales and service team to support rapid expansion with integrated delivery networks (IDN’s), mobile delivery vendors, and national retail clinics.

My commercial team training ensured deep knowledge and expertise in payor financials as well as quality and risk programs, and my team put up double and triple digit growth rates every single year.

Prior to that I served in executive sales and marketing roles, typically in early-stage, high-growth organizations. 

I received my MBA with dual concentration in Finance and Innovation & Entrepreneurship from the University of Tennessee.

The MHA Team

My team includes some highly skilled talent for projects that require:
  • SFDC implementation and optimization 
  • Marketing services
    • Web design and enhancement
    • Digital marketing
    • Graphic design 
    • Copywriting
    • SEO
  • Data analysis & reporting
  • Risk-based contract design, negotiation, execution

I am passionate about results. Everything I do revolves around this end game: delivering results that last. To get you there, I help you learn, understand, and apply my process. This is a process which I’ve studied, applied, and refined over the past 25 years.

Your organization most likely does not need me as a full-time employee. Rather the “sweet spot” for my work with you will be as a consultant helping you solve problems like this:

Do you have a solution that requires (or would benefit from) strategic partnerships with payers (e.g. Medicare Advantage, commercial, etc.), ACO’s, or other at-risk or value-based care contracted leadership?

I have over a decade of experience leveraging the financial landscape that drives executives in this space. I know the challenges they are working to solve. I have successfully:

  • Influenced policy (reimbursement/coding) for new-to-the-world technology
  • Negotiated 6, 7, and 8-figure contracts
  • Helped improve patient outcomes, increase quality (STAR/HEDIS) performance ratings, risk adjustment (RAF), and accurate capture of HCC coding

Every project I implement begins with identifying solutions that account for the best interest of all stakeholders (buyers, sellers, payers, providers, caregivers, patients, etc.). Upon completion, we will have developed your very own “playbook” which your team can implement.

Who do I serve?

I serve companies that produce medical devices, diagnostic solutions and interventions, software solutions, durable medical equipment (DME), and more.

In this space, there are countless solutions created by smart teams which serve the greater good (improving outcomes, reducing costs, improving effectiveness and compliance, etc.) and yet they fail or never take off in equal measure to their market value.

This is where I assist you in developing the industry relationships which are vital to the success of your product or solution.

Developing, refining and executing a successful go-to-market (GTM) strategy is a defining factor in whether or not your business wins. The best products and services, the most efficient operating systems, even your top talent will struggle to get results without the right GTM plan. Having me as your “coach” gives you a head-start on this process. My 20+ years working in the field helps you avoid common pitfalls, reduce your time-to-market, and provides a game plan for your company’s success.